St. Veronica is an Anglican community church in Delaware under the Anglican Diocese in New England. We are united in Word, Spirit, sacrament, and Mission committed to reaching out to the people of all tribes and nations.
We believe in the Holy Trinity, Divinity, Lordship, and Salvation by Grace through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We believe in the scripture in its inerrancy as the word and God’s breath that contains life. We accept it as an accurate guide to our worship. We embrace the three creeds, four ecumenical councils of the Christian church, and the 39 Articles of Religion, as observed by the constitution and canons of the Anglican Church in North America.
We value the historical liturgy and traditions of the Anglican church with the flexibility to accommodate the more contemporary practices that build up our worship. We are governed by the four main pillars of Evangelism, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Social outreach. We embrace the rule of reason, respect, and traditions in our relationships at every age in the church. Music and language are integral components of our worship. We are careful to consider the theology, context, and moral values in songs of worship and the mode and language of our communication.
The family atmosphere is critical in shaping our identity. We have thus established a safe and welcoming space in all our services where every person and family is accorded the deserved dignity in the house of God.
We believe in the church’s hierarchal order and the leadership of lay and ordained ministries. Our ultimate aim is to complete the Lord’s joy by daily seeking to know and walk in His ways.